Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 Hello semua! Hari ni Alya akan menceritakan tentang satu game favorite Alya!! 

nama game tu "Roblox"

kalau korang pernah main add lah alya *wink,wink*

nama alya Gacha_Bombom

copy and paste jer *wink,wink*

tehehehe  :D

tapi kalau tak pernah,MEH IKUT ADVENTURE ALYA!

                                                       what is roblox?

Roblox is an free online game that is made for kids in the world to entertain themselves.

The popular Roblox word is a mix of the word "robot" and "legos"

But why is the word "lego" isn't inside the word "roblox"?

its because the owner thought the word  "rogo" was a weird name for a kids name.


thats how he gets the idea to put the name "roblox"

the word for the money in roblox is "RoCoins"

i dont know why they put the name almost the same-

but i think they have a reason (ceehhh tetibe speaking XD)

if you guys want more information,sila follow! 

dan comment info apa lagi korang nak!!



  Hello semua! Hari ni Alya akan menceritakan tentang satu game favorite Alya!!  nama game tu "Roblox" kalau korang pernah main ad...